The "Acne Clearing" FIT KIT

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(discount already reflected in total.)

Our Acne Clearing FIT KIT was designed to target and combat acne and breakouts. An effective combination of salicylic acid, hydrators, retinol and skin-strengthening ingredients are used to promote a brighter and more even toned complextion.

FIT Kit includes (5 products): BPO 5% CleanserAcne Cream, Intensive Clarity Retinol, Clear Skin Moisturizer, and Weighless Protection SPF

Day Time Regimen: BPO Cleanser, Acne Cream (spot treat), Clear Skin Moisturizer, SPF

Night Time Regimen: BPO Cleanser, Clarity Retinol (spot treat), Clear Skin Moisiturizer

Note: if you are new to retinols, start using the product by buffering it and initially mix it in with your moisturizer to cut the strength. After approximately a week of doing this, use the retinol by itself, underneath the moisturizer, every other night. Continue to use this product every other night or as desired. Some skin types can tolerate the use of this product nightly, but most like the results of this retinol product by using it 3-4 times nightly a week.
