Medical and Health Disclaimer

The content of this Site and our in studio skin care treatments, including, but not limited to, such as the text, graphics, images, information obtained from SkinFIT Aesthetic's licensors, and other material contained on this Site are for informational purposes only and are not intended in any way to substitute for medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.

All of our professional skin care products, we are authorized to sell here at SkinFIT Aesthetics, and are formulated to be sold in conjunction with professional skin care direction only. While in-person appointments may not be necessary to purchase our authorized retail products, all skin care lines sold here, recommend professional assistance to help select products that are best suited for your individual skin care needs. To arrange a professional consultation with a skin care specialist, please call us at 480.518.5463. 

Visitors are encouraged to develop a professional relationship with a dermatologist and other medical practitioners and regularly consult with them to seek their advice. ALWAYS consult your OBGYN or medical practitioner if pregnant, nursing or trying to become pregnant when seeking skin care products and treatments.

Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read, viewed, or heard on this Site. Visitors should review any information supplied to or on this Site with their own medical professional.